
Busy Busyyyy

My birthday is almost among us!!!

I have started working in NY in a very entry level position, but it is with a company that could start me off into the right field. I took this job because it would be the first time I worked in the city. The experience is exhausting, but I am so anxious to try new foods...see new places....have fun after work and all that. Since I still live in Jersey, its a little harder to always hang out, but its all about the networking baby. The joy of not knowing who you might bump into, who you might meet or what job you might land. Its entry level and it is also allowing me to humble myself by doing something like this, but God put in place this opportunity for a reason and it is up to me to follow through (for whatever it is). So my birthday is April 9th and its on a Monday. Minor setback, but I have the weekend to do something amazing. I usually have to come up with my own amazement which sucks sometimes, but I have learned to never rely on people when it comes to your happiness. Such as the conversation I had with my mother. My good friends birthday is on the 15th and we sometimes try to double it up. Since her birthday is later, its usually during her birthday we do something. She also has a boyfriend, so that means that she has another force to plan her birthday with. This year he asked (of course) me what he should do for her birthday. I want to make her day special so of course pulling out the works is important. However, one of my other friends who has a sister whose birthday is April 12, wants me to come celebrate in Miami. I have just had a confrontation with selfish and not selfish. Do I ditch a friends birthday to have fun in Miami for mine?? So I asked for the advice from my mother. Instead of getting advice, I got off the phone in tears. She told me I need to get my priorities in check and I need to get a bed....(for my birthday????) She said of going out with your friends you should use the money to buy a bed for your apartment. I do understand why a bed is important, but her comment of going out all the time was a shocker. When I asked her advice on online dating she told me not to (she met a few boyfriends off of online dating), when I asked her about going out in the city she told me I should go to bed (my mom partied at the Ritz every Sunday of her twenties), when I asked her about anything it seems she wants me to do the opposite. Her advice is because she doesn't want me to do the same things she did. Since I have no children, and our paths were totally different I don't get why she is so negative about life living. Her hurdles have been some of mine at a point, but now I have tried to confront my own issues. Not that her advice isn't wanted its to the point I'm tired of caring. It hurts that I have to push some of it to the back of my head, but my happiness should not always be the cost because SHE did it before....I don't live through anyones life. EVERYTHING I want I know I have to work hard for it. So I don't necessarily need someone to always think that their advice is needed. She is my mom so she is the top of my world....but I'll be 27! So Here goes..... 

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